Salt and bay leaf are worth their weight in gold at home: here are the many ingenious uses


The benefits of salt and bay leaf are numerous, including for taking care of your home or your laundry. But how to use them in this context?


What are the unexpected uses of salt and bay leaf at home?

Salt and bay leaves can be used in a variety of ways to maintain your home.

Surprising Uses of Salt for Home Maintenance

Salt to preserve the colors of clothes and linens

Coarse salt

To protect the colours of your new clothes and prevent fading, coarse salt is your ally. Before washing your coloured clothes for the first time, soak them in a basin of lukewarm water, then add 5 tablespoons of coarse salt. This will help the colours to resist machine washing better. Note that coarse salt can also be used to revitalise the colours of your clothes that are starting to fade. To do this, soak the garment in question in a basin of cold water with coarse salt. You will need one tablespoon of salt for every half litre of water. You can also soak your white tablecloths and any other white linen in salt water to revive their whiteness and restore their shine.

Salt to remove scale in the house

Salt is a natural anti-scale agent, effective in removing limescale marks. To descale joints and taps, mix the juice of half a lemon with a little salt. Apply this paste to the scaled surfaces, leave to act for a few minutes, then scrub and rinse. You can also pour a glass of salt into the toilet bowl, leave to sit for 10 minutes, then scrub the walls with a toilet brush. This will help remove limescale marks and stains. Thanks to its anti-scale action, coarse salt is also a natural softener, which softens the water in the washing machine to make your laundry softer.

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