However, be aware that professional thieves will find a way to disable the alarm, if they really want your car, since they will simply cut the battery cable connected to the alarm! But if you own an expensive car and are afraid of this possibility, you can install a second battery, and you will have the last word!!
8. Place valuables in the safe
As a general rule, you should keep in mind: "Thieves don't have time, and of course, they won't risk opening the trunk to find out what's inside!" "They will steal what seems valuable to them inside the car." But not from the trunk, which is why we advise you to put in the trunk of the car the objects that may seem valuable to the thief, such as bags, a coat, or even your personal bag!
9. Always park your car in a well-lit area
Parking in a dark place will of course increase the chances of the car being stolen. According to the repentant thief, he and his accomplices "did not steal cars parked in lighted areas, but preferred to choose cars parked in lighted areas." dark. That's why you should always choose to park your car in a lighted area, to be sure that any break-in attempt will be seen by someone!
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