Love handles can be a source of frustration for many of us. Fortunately, there are some simple exercises you can do at home that can help eliminate them and slim down your waistline. Here are eight effective exercises to say goodbye to these fat deposits.
Jumping Burpees
Burpees are a great warm-up exercise because they quickly increase blood flow and heart rate. Get on all fours, then extend your legs behind you to get into a plank position. Bring your feet toward your chest and quickly jump up and clap your hands overhead. Return to the starting position and repeat. Burpees work your entire body, including your abs, obliques, arms, quads, glutes, chest, and hamstrings. Do three sets of 15 repetitions.
The Bicycle
Lie on your back, bend your legs so that your shins are parallel to the floor, then lift your chest and shoulders off the mat. Place your hands behind your head with your elbows facing out. Move your bent right leg toward your chest and simultaneously extend your left leg at a right angle to the floor while bringing your left shoulder closer to your right knee. This works your obliques and hips. Do three sets of 10 to 20 repetitions each.
Kneeling Vacuum
Kneel with your glutes resting on your heels, hands on the sides of your legs, and shoulders straight. Imagine touching your spine to your belly button and suck your stomach in as much as possible. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds (20 seconds if you're used to it). This simple technique is very effective for losing belly fat and sculpting your abs. Repeat the exercise five times before taking a break.
Side Plank
Lie on your right side, support yourself on your forearm so that it is directly under your shoulder, and raise your hips. Rest your weight on your right elbow and foot. If this is too difficult, bend your right leg while keeping your left leg straight. Raise your left hand toward the ceiling. The side plank works your abs, back, glutes, and especially your obliques. Hold the position for 15 to 60 seconds on each side, doing at least three repetitions.
The Swimmer
Lie on your stomach with your arms extended shoulder-width apart in front of you and your feet hip-width apart. Engage your abs and raise your left leg and right arm simultaneously. Hold them in the air for 2 to 3 seconds, then lower them back to the ground. Repeat with the other side. Do 10 reps of five movements on each side. For increased intensity, alternate quickly without letting the floor touch you. This exercise targets lower back fat and sculpts the body.
Russian twists
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