Dirty mattress full of stains – the natural remedy to remove them


In fact, the presence of mites, mold and bacteria is responsible for many allergies and skin problems.

If you want to keep your mattress very clean, free of stains and unwanted insects, do not miss the tips and tricks that we will give you below. It is much easier than it seems and your health and rest will thank you very much.

Make the bed
every morning For those wondering if it is necessary to make the bed every morning, the answer is yes, although with some nuances.

According to recent studies, it is best not to make the bed as soon as you get up.

It is recommended to wait at least two hours for this. In this way, the heat and humidity accumulated in the bed during the night will be dissipated and we will avoid creating a dark, humid and warm paradise in bed, ideal for the growth of moths, fungi and others.

Another important way to ensure the hygiene of your mattress is to open the windows for at least 30 minutes before making the bed, but ideally about an hour, and to shake out the sheets and pillows when preparing the bed.

You should also change your bed linen every 1 to 2 weeks.

Remove Blood Stains from Mattress.
Among the different formulas that can be used to remove blood stains from a mattress, hydrogen peroxide is the best because it breaks down the stains.

All you need is a cloth or cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide.
Then rub the stain for a few minutes and let it sit until the mattress dries (no rinsing is necessary).

It's important to keep in mind that hydrogen peroxide has a bleaching effect. So if your mattress is dyed, it's best to test it on a small, inconspicuous area first to make sure it won't attack the color.

a comfortable application, it is best to put the vinegar in a spray bottle, then spray the vinegar on the mattress and let it sit for about five minutes.

Then sprinkle it with baking soda and wait until the mixture stops sizzling and drying. Continue to remove the product residue with the vacuum cleaner.

If the vinegar smell is too strong (remember that the smell will disappear after a few hours), you can use a mixture of water and lemon.

Mold stains on the mattress.
Baking soda removes moisture very effectively, as it has drying, antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

In a plastic container, add 250 grams of baking soda with 5 drops of tea tree oil or tea tree essential oil, one of the best natural disinfectants.

Then, spread the mixture on the mattress and let it sit for an hour.
Finally, remove the dirt adhering to the baking soda using a vacuum cleaner.