Follow these tips to combat bad odors. All you need is a little white vinegar and bleach.
Step 1. Disinfect your washing machine with bleach
Unpleasant odors can occur in different places in your washing machine. Therefore, start by cleaning the most important part of the machine: the drum.
With front loading washing machines, there is the problem that water and detergent remain in the detergent dispenser and door seal. Residual water and detergent attract bacteria and create an environment conducive to the growth of smelly fungi.
Mix bleach with an equal amount of water. Then take a towel and dampen it with the diluted bleach. Then wipe the areas you can reach. This also applies to the area under the rubber. There will be areas you can't reach. Then let the towel soak with bleach for 30 minutes. This kills the mold.
Step Two. Disinfect Your Washing Machine and Eliminate Mold Smell with Vinegar
Once the machine is ready, pour half a liter of white vinegar where you normally put the detergent. Let the machine run empty again on the highest setting. And there you have it. You are done and your washing machine is spotless again. This is an economical and effective way to clean the machine.