Natural remedies to treat vaginitis, an infection that affects the intimate area of ​​women and girls


For this, you will need a few sage leaves and five cups of water. To prepare it, simply boil the water and add the leaves; for 5 minutes. Strain it and then apply it in vaginal washes for a week.

Remedy #2: Aloe Vera Eggs

Simply place six tablespoons of aloe vera crystals in cellophane or aluminum foil. Then, wrap the foil and place it in the freezer. Once frozen, cut it into four pieces and consume within 4 days.

Remedy #3.


  • 50 grams of nuts.
  • A liter of water.

Method of preparation:

Just boil the water and add the nopal, for about 3 minutes. Then you should let the water cool and do vaginal washes for 5 days. This remedy is best in case of white discharge.

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