Your old toothbrushes can become versatile tools for cleaning and other everyday tasks. Before you throw them away, here are 10 surprising ways to give them a new purpose.
Repurpose Your Old Toothbrushes With These Ingenious Hacks
Clean faucets and difficult gaps
Tie two toothbrushes together with a rubber band to create a tool that's perfect for scrubbing small spaces around faucets. The bristles make it easy to reach into crevices.
Refresh refrigerator and window seals
The grooves of refrigerator seals or window frames often accumulate dust and residue. A curved or slightly modified toothbrush will help you clean these areas effectively.
Removing Dust from Keyboards
The stiff bristles of an old toothbrush are great for brushing away dust and crumbs stuck between the keys of your keyboard. Use gently to avoid damaging the electronic components.
Cracking nuts easily
To crack nuts like pistachios or peanuts, tie two toothbrushes together and insert a folded piece of paper between them. This homemade tool makes the task effortless.
Maintaining bicycle chains
Glue two toothbrushes back to back, bristles facing in, to create a tool that can clean bicycle chains. Roll the chain between the bristles to remove grease and dirt.
Cleaning hairbrushes
To remove hair, dust or residue from the grooves of your old hairbrush, use a toothbrush dipped in soapy water. Scrub for a thorough clean.
Reach the bottom of narrow cups and bottles
Toothbrushes are great for getting to the bottom of hard-to-reach containers. Add a little soap and scrub to remove any buildup.
Clean the corners of the toilet