The 12 strokes of noon: when will Emilien be eliminated? The answer in a call from a clairvoyant!


Les 12 coups de midi: Emilien not about to be eliminated according to a clairvoyant
As soon as he has the opportunity, the host then takes the opportunity to tease Emilien about his longevity, by declaring that he no longer knows how to get rid of him. A touch of humor of course. But this Friday, January 31, Jean-Luc Reichmann moved up a gear by asking a clairvoyant if she could predict the date of the midday master's eviction.

While a candidate, Lolita, revealed that she practiced divinatory arts on social networks, Nathalie Lecoultre's partner asked her to predict Emilien's future in the game. And her answer was unequivocal: he will "not leave yet" the show. Enough to reassure the champion who is eager to celebrate his second birthday at the 12 coups de midi.