The shape of your belly button reveals a lot about your personality

Individuals with an outward-facing navel are eternal children. Like the famous cartoon character Peter Pan, these individuals dream of eternal youth. Gullible, they have difficulty taking responsibility and organizing their lives properly. However, they bring a touch of joy and lightness that make them pleasant companions in everyday life.
- An hourglass shaped belly button
People with an hourglass navel have a gift for communication. They love to share their ideas and enrich themselves spiritually. However, they may face long periods of doubt and loneliness. They are prone to mood swings and go from joy to tears for no apparent reason.
- A belly button in the shape of a bow tie
People with a bow-tie-shaped navel have a lucky star. They are very intelligent and have always had a lot of luck in their lives. However, these people seriously lack self-confidence. As a result, they fail to perceive all the wonders that surround them and tend to isolate themselves from the world.
- A pierced navel
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