Why you should not store fresh eggs in the refrigerator?


The egg has a protective coating on the outside that helps protect against bacteria and germs that might get inside. If you buy eggs and their cuticle is intact, there is no reason to refrigerate them. If you want to make peeling your eggs easier, you can use baking soda.

When you store your eggs cold, they are more likely to condense and the change in temperature promotes the growth of bacteria on the eggshell. Eggs do not withstand temperature changes well: if you have already put your eggs in the fridge, do not take them out.

On the other hand, if you suspect a salmonella infection, you should refrigerate your eggs. Do not leave them next to other eggs at room temperature, as they will eventually infect them. Once they have been refrigerated, the temperature will kill the bacteria.

If you have put your eggs in the fridge, do not wash them, this would destroy their protective film and can cause bacteria to proliferate.
How do you know if an egg is expired?

If you've forgotten your eggs at the back of your cupboard or fridge, you can use these little tricks to find out if they're expired or if you can still eat them, to avoid food waste.

This trick is very simple, you just have to dip your egg in water! To know if you can still make an omelette, fill a bowl or even a glass with cold water, and put your egg in it. If the egg sinks, it is not expired and you are not taking any risks by eating it. If it stays on the surface, throw it in the trash.

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