5 tips to keep spiders away from the house

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While some believe that killing spiders brings bad luck, it may be better to keep them out of the house. Here are some natural and practical ways to prevent spiders from entering your living space. What is the trick to getting rid of spiders? Although spiders are not always welcome in our homes, they are ...

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DIY floor cleaner to thoroughly clean and perfume the entire house

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Cleaning floors is essential to prevent the accumulation of dirt and the proliferation of bacteria that cause, among other things, bad odors. Most of us use industrial detergents, putting our health at risk, especially if we have asthma or allergies. However, to have clean and fragrant floors it is not necessary to use chemical compounds, ...

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Very shiny mirrors and without a halo with the 3 minute trick

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How to get very shiny and halo-free mirrors? The cleaning experts explain the three-minute method that you can use immediately. Is there a way to get very shiny mirrors without these annoying halos ? Thanks to the cleaning experts, everything can be cleaned effortlessly, with perfect mirrors like those you see in hotels. All you ...

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Why should you no longer wash chicken with water?

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To prevent certain diseases, we tend to systematically wash our food before consuming it. Of course, to preserve our health, it is essential to disinfect products. However, not everything we eat needs to be washed. Before cooking your chicken, for example, you are surely in the habit of running it under water, right? Well, that’s ...

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Fake Honey Is Everywhere: Here’s How to Tell If It Is

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Honey is a very nutritious food, but to enjoy its benefits it must be pure. Most industrial honeys sold in supermarkets are actually mixtures of honey with sugar and other ingredients. Here’s how to tell if honey is pure or fake . Obviously the first thing to do is read the label carefully, trying to ...

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