How to remove “sticky” from glass jars in seconds

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How to remove “sticky” from glass jars in seconds It has surely happened to you that you want to reuse a glass jar and find yourself struggling with the very annoying remains left by the label. This sticky layer of glue and paper residue can be really difficult to remove. Water and soap are certainly ...

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Grandmother’s Old Trick Makes Mold Disappear from Your Home

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Mold is a common issue during wet weather, thriving in damp spaces like bathrooms, kitchens, or window sills, and sometimes lurking under carpets. With two grandmother-approved tips, you can say goodbye to mold permanently. Here, we share our effective strategies. Molds release spores that not only damage your interiors but also pose health risks, irritating ...

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Garlic butter steak and green lemon bean pan

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Title: Garlic Butter Steak and Green Lemon Bean Stir Fry: A Culinary Masterpiece In the world of culinary delights, there is nothing that pleases the heart more than a perfectly cooked steak swimming in garlic butter accompanied by a flavorful stir-fry of lemon green beans. This combination of tender meat, rich butter and fresh flavors ...

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Why use bay leaves in the oven? It is a brilliant method for smart housewives.

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Laurel has been  a popular plant  for centuries. But what you don’t know is that it helps you  combat that common discomfort  that arises in the home. You just have to take some bay leaves and you will have a fresh and pleasant atmosphere  at home . Bay leaf is a highly appreciated flavoring for many dishes, especially stews, terrines and ...

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How do you get a basil plant with lots of green leaves for a long time?

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When shopping, you may come across  basil plants  with mounds of fragrant green leaves. Resisting these plants sometimes seems impossible. Growing a few pots of this aromatic plant at home is very practical. You can have its leaves on hand to flavor dishes, but also to decorate the windowsill or balcony. However, keeping basil always lush is ...

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