Melts in your mouth, cheesecake with vanilla pudding!

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Ingredients For the dough: 80 g margarine 1 egg 250 g flour 80 g sugar ½ pack of baking powder For the filling: 1 bag of vanilla pudding powder 3 eggs 450 g quark, 120 g margarine 180 g sugar 1 bag vanilla sugar 250 g sour cream 250 g sweet cream Continued on next ...

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10 car cleaning hacks You Need to Know

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Every car owner remembers the feeling of buying a new car, it’s just like a kid that gets a toy that he always wanted that is why we treat them like human beings because they hold a very special place in our hearts. However, cars can get really dirty and the cleaning process is not ...

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A natural, homemade hardening treatment for brittle nails

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Our nails periodically face external aggressions that end up drying, damaging and weakening them. The use of detergents loaded with chemicals, the frequent application of semi-permanent varnish, the application of gel or resin false nails are factors that can alter the quality of the nails. ADVERTISING The use of a strengthening agent is essential to ...

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Gardening: How to grow peas?

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A large slice of veal liver, some smoked mackerel fillets or a plate of kidneys, without skimping on vegetable oils, will fill you with vitamin B3. Let’s be honest, plants are very low on the list of foods rich in this vitamin. However, it would be a shame to neglect the friendly pea. pea harvest ...

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Vegetables improve eyesight, removes fat from the liver and cleanses the colon

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In the realm of natural foods that nurture our health, beetroot stands out as a vibrant gem packed with an array of nutrients and medicinal properties. Hailing from Southern Europe, this vegetable has traversed centuries, evolving from a staple in ancient Roman diets to a modern-day nutritional powerhouse. Beyond its culinary appeal, beetroot boasts a ...

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Cheesecake Factory Key Lime Pie !!!

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Words cannot express how happy I am with how this recipe turned out! I mean seriously, how gorgeous is this cheesecake?! Would you believe that it didn’t come straight from The Cheesecake Factory? If you’re like me, you might think that achieving cheesecake perfection of this magnitude is impossible or incredibly tedious. However, you might ...

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