Advice on cultivating beets

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Among the most common vegetables grown in our gardens, beets are among the top ten. Beets are a popular crop to cultivate because they are easy to harvest, store well, and can be consumed in several ways throughout the year, including fresh, cooked, or pickled. Preparing the garden: To ensure optimal root development, dig the ...

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Mix the mild soap with the baking soda: what you will see next is unique

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Mild soap and baking soda are suitable for cleaning certain areas of your home. Let’s find out all the details of this “union”. soap and baking soda There are different ways to indicate a specific soap with very important degreasing properties. This is the so-called mild soap, also known as yellow soap or mild potassium ...

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Homemade Cheese 10 Times Cheaper Than Store-Bought

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Cheap Homemade Mozzarella Cheese Recipe Discover how easy it is to prepare this delicious recipe. I will show you step by step all the ingredients needed to make this tasty recipe. I guarantee you will love this recipe, just follow the instructions below. There will be nothing left on the table after everyone has tasted ...

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Burnt iron sole: I clean it in no time and without chemicals!

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Burnt iron sole: I clean it in no time and without chemicals! As we use the iron more often, we are all faced with an iron with a burnt soleplate, which inevitably leaves stains on all clothes in these conditions . To solve this problem and avoid the risk of damaging clothes after washing and ...

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Crab and Shrimp Seafood Bisque

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Ingredients: 3 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons chopped green onion 2 tablespoons chopped celery 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour 2 1/2 cups milk 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1 tablespoon tomato paste 1 cup heavy whipping cream 8 ounces crab meat 4 to 8 ounces small cooked shrimp or other seafood 2 tablespoon sherry win Directions: ...

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What is the second hole in the sink for?

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Have you ever noticed a small hole underneath your sink faucet? We’re not talking about the siphon that evacuates the water into the pipes! Yes, if you have never paid attention to it, you now know that your sink has two holes… Indeed, manufacturers do not have fun double-drilling your sink for the sake of ...

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