7 tips to follow for fluffy and tasty scrambled eggs every time


Scrambled eggs are one of the easiest dishes one could ever make. And that's probably why when kids or young adults start cooking, scrambled eggs are one of the first dishes they tackle. And not only are they easy, but they're also quick to cook. They make for a great breakfast, even on busy mornings before the kids head out to school.
But making scrambled eggs does take just a pinch of know-how. You can't just break eggs into a pan, swirl them around a few times and hope for the best. And if that's what you've been doing, you'll be happy to read the tips below that will take your scrambled eggs to the next level.
1. Use a non-stick pan
I'm actually not a big fan of non-stick pans, but if there's one time they should always be used, it's when you make scrambled eggs. If you opt for stainless steel or cast-iron, your eggs will burn to the sides and the bottom; and it doesn't matter how low of a heat you cook them on. They will burn. That means that you'll have fewer eggs to enjoy, and you'll be scraping and scrubbing until at least lunchtime.
2. Break your eggs into a bowl, not the pan
Sure you could shave a few minutes of time if you decide to just go ahead and crack the eggs directly into the pan rather than a bowl. Plus, you'll only have one dish to wash, right? Right, but you'll also have disappointing scrambled eggs.
When you crack the eggs right into the pan, you won't have a chance to get any air into them and you'll have sad, streaky eggs instead of perfectly scrambled eggs. Instead, crack the eggs into a bowl first, then whisk them with a fork or whisk. This will get air into them, resulting in fluffier, softer eggs.
3. Use water, not milk or cream
After cracking the eggs into a bowl, many people decide to add milk or cream thinking that this will give them richer eggs. But in fact, all it will do is weigh down the eggs and take away the fluffiness you were trying to incorporate in the first place. An easy fix? Just use water instead. The eggs will still be fluffy and moist, and you'll have a chance to add that richness later.
4. Cook on a low heat
Scrambled eggs don't take a long time to cook, so you don't have to crank the heat super high to speed things along. In fact, if you do, you'll dry the eggs out, which no one wants. Instead, heat the pan over medium heat before you add the eggs to get the pan hot. Just before adding the eggs, lower the heat even further to medium-low. It might take just one more minute to thoroughly cook the eggs, but it will be well worth it.
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