How to clean the washing machine rubber


A few months have passed since you bought that beautiful washing machine and, even if you keep it clean, black stains appear on the rubber, giving it a terrible appearance. Have you ever wondered how to clean the washing machine rubber effectively, many of us have.

Let me tell you that this is very common, and it is a mix between humidity, fungus and dirt. And it doesn’t just happen in the washing machine, but in appliances that have the same rubber, such as a refrigerator.

Luckily, this has a solution. We choose products that are easily found in your home or, at most, that you can buy at any store near your location.

How to clean the washing machine rubber with vinegar

Many people say that vinegar can be harmful to the washing machine and they are right. Pure vinegar can break the washing machine, but if mixed with other products correctly, it is one of the best cleaners you can make at home.

You will only need:

  • 3 Liters of Warm Water
  • 100 ml. of White Vinegar
  • 250 ml. of Hydrogen Peroxide (also known as Hydrogen Peroxide )
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