Light a candle in the toilet and you’ll want to do it again the next day – here’s why you should


We never stop learning: there is an infallible method to significantly improve the atmosphere and smells of our bathroom . It will be enough to light a candle, but not just any candle. We will have to try our hand at creating this special candle which has a triple function : eliminating bad smells, giving off a pleasant smell and keeping all insects away. It’s not difficult to bring this product to life, you only need a few ingredients , a little patience and it will last you whole months .

If you don’t feel satisfied with commercial products and the results are never what you hoped for , the time has come to do it yourself. This candle will have the power to release strong aromas that can neutralize any bad odor coming from the drains. No product on the market has such power, and now we will explain how to best achieve it. The steps are few and simple .

Bad smells and insects of all kinds: that’s enough
The bathroom is the room in the house most subject to the formation of unpleasant odors . The sewers present in this environment make themselves felt loud and clear. Furthermore, a determining cause of the appearance of bad odors is humidity. The high humidity that is created after every bath or shower leads to the formation of various types of mold. This happens especially if we do not keep the window open for long enough. Unfortunately, the consequences of humidity are not only these.

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