The powerful homemade fungicide for plants: these 3 ingredients will be enough


It often happens that indoor plants can have fungi and parasites on their leaves. Experts agree that each plant is different, as is the treatment they should receive. In general, you can rely on completely natural ingredients: a fertilizer with three commonly used ingredients that when combined become a perfect fungicide.

Fungicide for plants: the powerful natural ingredients
Fertilizers are now prepared solely from food scraps or directly from fruit and vegetable peels. In fact, natural ingredients have many properties, but also nutrients that can help the plant to recover.

When plants have been affected by fungi, three powerful natural ingredients come into play, which when combined, become a powerful fungicide for immediate use. The ingredients are the following:

1 whole head of garlic with peel
2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
1 glass of milk
1 liter of water
The properties of the three ingredients are unique, in fact they contain a series of nutrients for the plant as well as having the power to counteract the attack of fungi or parasites in general. They form a patina that eliminates their presence until the plant is once again beautiful, healthy and full of colorful flowers.
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