Military diet: lose weight in just 3 days!


Day 3


  • 5 brown rice crackers
  • 1 slice of goat cheese
  • 1 small apple


  • 1 hard-boiled or cooked egg
  • 1 slice of toast or toasted wholemeal bread


  • 1 cup tuna
  • ½ banana
  • 1 cup vanilla ice cream

Some ingredients included in this diet may seem out of place, including peanut butter, tuna, and vanilla ice cream. But in reality, these foods have a positive effect on weight loss.

Peanuts,  for example, are very high in monounsaturated fatty acids that provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness that helps you curb your cravings. In addition, they help to speed up the metabolism and when consumed in small quantities, their caloric intake is quickly burned. Moreover, according to a study conducted by Harvard University, women who eat peanut butter twice a week have a lower weight than those who do not eat it.

Tuna  is high in protein, antioxidants, fatty acids and vitamins. In addition to the lasting feeling of satiety it provides, it provides the body with a significant amount of nutrients essential for its proper functioning.

Vanilla ice cream,  without waffle or fruit pieces, is both refreshing and nourishing. With a correct recipe –  which you will find a little further down  – it provides you with a good amount of protein, phosphorus and calcium, but with fewer calories. Moreover, the ice cream diet is the slimming secret of Italian women.

When you follow this diet, you should stay  well hydrated  and exercise as much as  you can. This will increase its effectiveness by causing your body to  tap into its fat stores; which will stimulate fat burning and make you lose weight quickly and effectively.

People who are not very active do not have to indulge in strenuous physical exercise. They can walk but at least 5 times a week. On the other hand, more active people can swim, jump rope or run; exercises that promote fat burning and accelerate weight loss.

Many people are surprised at how modest this diet is, because all of its ingredients are within reach and very easy to prepare.

Continued on next page