The Vegan Berries and Cream Parfaits are a yummy recipe. Furthermore, the flavor of this recipe is sweet, and it is free from gluten. The mixture of these berries is very tasty, and it is healthy. Enjoy it with family, and it is a great optimizer for reflection of the environment. The coconut cream and the granola make the dish very delicious.
What is a berry parfait?
A parfait is a dish with layers of strawberries and custard that originated in France. It’s often serving with a long spoonful in a large glass. Parfaits now consist of dairy products, whipped cream, or ice cream stacked with fruit and other ingredients like granola.
Vegan Berries And Cream Parfaits
Blueberries: 1/2 cup.
Granola: 1 tsp.
Coconut milk cream: 1/2 cup.
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