I can't believe I just learned about this!


Step 1: Boil Your Eggs
First things first, start by boiling your eggs as you normally would. Place the eggs in a saucepan and cover them with cold water. Bring the water to a rolling boil, then reduce the heat and let the eggs simmer for about 9-12 minutes, depending on your desired level of doneness. Once done, immediately transfer the eggs to a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking process and to cool them down quickly. Let them sit in the ice water for at least 5 minutes.
Step 2: The Shake
Once your eggs are cooled, it’s time for the hack. Take one egg and place it inside a medium-sized, sealable container—Tupperware or a small jar works well. Add a little bit of cold water to the container (just enough to cover the bottom of the container). Seal the container tightly.
Now, shake the container vigorously for about 10-15 seconds. As you shake, the egg will knock against the sides of the container and the water, causing the shell to crack and loosen from the egg white. The small amount of water in the container helps prevent the egg from sticking to the sides while aiding in the separation of the shell from the egg.
Step 3: The Roll
After shaking, open the container and take out the egg. You’ll notice that the shell is already starting to peel away. To finish the job, gently roll the egg on a clean countertop or between your hands. The rolling motion will help separate any remaining bits of shell from the egg white.
As you roll, the shell should practically slide off in large pieces, leaving you with a perfectly smooth, intact egg. If there are still small pieces of shell sticking to the egg, a quick rinse under cold water will remove them effortlessly.
Why This Hack Works
The Shake and Roll method works so well because it combines multiple techniques that make eggs easier to peel. The initial shaking in the container cracks the shell evenly across the entire surface, loosening the membrane that usually clings so tightly to the egg white. The cold water in the container creates a bit of a cushion and adds moisture, which further helps to loosen the shell. Finally, the rolling motion ensures that any remaining bits of shell are dislodged with minimal effort.

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