Burnt iron soleplate: I clean it in no time and without chemicals!


Burnt iron soleplate: I clean it in no time and without chemicals!

As we use the iron more often, we are all faced with an iron with a burnt soleplate, which inevitably leaves stains on all clothes in these conditions.

To solve this problem and avoid any risk of damaging the clothes after washing and drying, you must remove the entire burnt part.

This may seem like a very difficult task, but with the right DIY tools, anyone can do it. In fact, you should only use products that you already have at home. This way, you do not need to use very expensive chemicals.

Burnt iron soleplate: I clean it in no time and without chemicals!
When you are faced with the burnt soleplate of an iron, you naturally immediately think that there is nothing more you can do.

So if the first instinct is to throw it away, you should definitely not listen to it. In fact, there are quick and easy home remedies that can relieve the annoying burning sensation.

Below are some easy-to-use tips.

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