Several cracks in the walls.
Different Cracks in Walls – Source: Bob Vila
Cracking Problem Solving Depends on Several Factors
When you want to proceed with the treatment of cracks, you have to look at the particularities of these. And for good reason, depending on whether they are on the outside or inside, visible cracks will require different repairs. You also need to take into account the size of these holes but also their depth. These elements affect the filling and repair necessary to smooth the wall.
How do you know if your wall has dangerous cracks?
As explained above, to fill these gaps that may be due to water infiltration, you need to take into account different features such as size or depth. It is also important to understand the severity of this hole in the wall because there are different types of cracks. Microcracks are superficial and measure less than 0.2 millimeters wide. Although they may be harmless, it is important to monitor them if they have appeared recently. The second category includes small cracks between 0.2 and 2 millimeters wide. You need to be careful with these because they can be caused by intrinsic damage to the house. In this case, the intervention of a professional is necessary. The size of the cracks, also called cracks, is greater than 2 millimeters and is symptomatic of a structural problem such as a subsidence of the building or foundation. And for good reason, this hole can deteriorate the resistance of a roof or wall.
repaint a wall
Repainting a Wall - Source: The Spruce
It is essential to keep an eye on cracks in walls.
Covering a cracked wall should precede assessing the danger of the hole. Hiding the latter is not enough because fixing it without analyzing the underlying reasons is a ticking time bomb. And for good reason, even small visible cracks can be the result of a serious cause, even if repaired. When they exceed 0.2 millimeters, they can potentially turn into cracks. In this case it will be necessary to anticipate by seeking advice and repair from a building professional. And for good reason, these large cracks can cause the collapse of the support. Sometimes it is mold that damages them. Fortunately, there are several techniques that can be used to get rid of them.
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