The 12 strokes of noon: when will Emilien be eliminated? The answer in a call from a clairvoyant!


Emilien arrived in Les 12 coups de midi on September 25, 2023. How long will he resist in the TF1 show? A candidate of the game, who is also clairvoyant, answered this question.

Emilien is starting, for many viewers, to drag on in Les 12 coups de midi. For almost a year and a half, the midday master has been present on the set of the TF1 show where he shines every day. With 491 victories and 1,991,865 euros in winnings, the 22-year-old does not seem at all ready to leave the competition anytime soon. And we understand this as he is about to break a new record if he crosses the symbolic threshold of 500 participations and 2 million euros in prize money.

For the moment, the student is already enjoying his title of the greatest player in the history of the program but also of TV games in France. A distinction highly coveted by the competitors who daily tread the studio where Jean-Luc Reichmann's game is filmed. But time passes and the faithful of the 12 coups de midi are seriously starting to get tired of Jessica's companion.

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